Monday, October 27, 2008

Your Complimentary Christopher Cross YouTube Comment

There are a few constants in life: Death, Taxes, and the fact that everyone remembers where they were when they heard Christopher Cross' "Sailing" cascade into their eardrums like audible honey.

Christopher Cross' music still gives boring white people a boner to this very day. So, in an effort to spare you from wanting to dump acid into your eardrums, I've taken it upon myself to bring you the best quotes (daily!) from the lonely, lonely people who love his music. Behold, for the first time, the inaugural Christopher Cross Whistful YouTube Comment:
This is my favorite song. Yes, I am a sucker for slow love songs. Somehow it makes you forget your troubles and reflect on your loved ones. This is my favorite version.
Fortunately for us, it's the only version.

1 comment:

  1. Au contraire, Munson. You are clearly unaware of the N'SYNC version of "Sailing" which brings the magic to an entirely new generation of boring white people.
